I used to have a skeleton of jokes, now my supply is bone dry. Guess I wasn’t that femurous.
What is the leader of the school supplies?
The ruler!
Your mum's so fat that when she goes to KFC, they run out of stock of chicken.
What's the king of all school supplies? A ruler.
What's a flower's favorite drink at the movie theater? Root Beer.
What's a cow's favorite place to go during his free time? The Moooovies.
What present can a pimp always buy his hoes to both show how much he thinks of them and know they can never get enough of?
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet SUPPLIES
What do dogs do when they lose their tail?
They go to the retail store.
How does a prostitute make more than a drug dealer?
Because she can clean her crack and sell it again.