Yo mama so rich the Socs got jealous.
Yo mama so evil that Dallas Winston fell in love with her.
Yo mama so old that she knew The Outsiders when they were The Insiders.
Yo mama so ugly that when watches The Outsiders they become The Insiders.
Yo mama so ugly that not even the Socs wanted to jump her.
Yo mama so stupid she thought Sodapop Curtis was actual soda.
Yo mama so hot that even Sodapop Curtis flirts with her.
Yo mama so strict that in The Outsiders she was Darry.
you are so white even nippon paint tried to sign you
Why did I trip over your foot ...? .... Because you were so short I couldn’t see you !
Yo mama so fat when she got buried it toke them all the trees on earth for her coffin
your mom is so fat she lookes like she ate the marshmallow from Ghostbusters
Okay what do you call that purple thing your mom's top dresser drawer that she calls her best best friend so for some weird reason? Dad better look out from Bob battery operated boyfriend hahaha
Why is the USA so bad at chess ?
Because they already lost the twin towers
So this is how I got divorced. On my birthday my boss, who was a hot sexy woman who I have always had an eye on her huge ass and tits, wished me happy birthday and took me to her house. She went into the shower and came out dressed and this made me disappointed. But then she stripped off and made my dick go into her pussy and before I could realize I heard her main door creak. And in came my wife, mum and my 2 kids 8 years old and 12 years old. Although my wife joined in she was mad after since that was not my wife, that was my wife's twin sister. Do not know why woman these days are like this!!!!!!!!!!
Why do orphan so happy on Christmas because they might get a family
So a woman gives birth to a child and the doctor grabs it by the leg and holds it upside down and starts swinging it around the room and slamming it into the furniture. The mother tries to get up and starts screaming and crying, “Let my baby go you sick bastard!”, and the doctor looks at the mother and stops swinging the baby. He is holding it by the left leg and starts chuckling, “I’m just kidding, it was already dead.”
My friend in a wheelchair is autistic and tryed to fight me so i said: IF you wanna fight me ill run up the stairs, and by the time you get up the stairs ill already be down the stairs waiting and he started crying
Your mama so fat it took all the trees to build her a coffin
Yo mama so ugly when she looked in the mirror her reaflection threw up and ran away