A seal walks into a club.
I say 1, 2, 3, all the kids bullied me, but now they're not so cool, cuz I shot up the school.
What do orphans need in order to mail letters?
Food stamps.
"Sweet victory" fans: Fuck the NFL. They should be disbanded!
Harvey Weinstein: I raped five girls, and the NFL was one of them.
A blind man walked into a bar, and a table, and a chair.
Why do orphans go to church so much?
So they can have someone to call father.
What do you call a best friend that smokes weed?
A pothead. Just because he's your friend, you don't have to support his poor decisions. Jeez, what has America come to?
A rapist walks into a school and asks if they had 5 year olds in the school, and the teacher replies, "Are you that same person who took Jimmy?"
The man replies, "Yes," and the teacher says, "Take Susie too; she's being a little bitch."
Teacher: Don’t run into the road!
Down syndrome: Weeeeee!
Teacher: Lol, now he’s a mashed potato.
Go punch an orphan, what are they gonna do? Tell their parents?
I would make a disabled joke.
But they never work.
What do you get when you cross a pedophile and an elementary school? Predator 3.
Friend: Why did you touch me?
Me: That guy in the corner with no hair, glasses, really nice, white button up shirt, that drives a white van slow by school zones told me to and he would give me hard candy.
Who are voting for this election? I'm voting for Tricity, so vote for Tricity. Electricity!
Why do Indians marry cows? Because they bathe in milk.
If you wanna hit somebody, hit an orphan, what are they gonna do... tell their parents?
Why do Indian men marry fat women?
How do Asian people name their children?
They throw a pan down the stairs.
What would your name be? Msg it to @chelsearosegraham.
What do you call a creepy flower? A Pedel-File!
All these African jokes aren't funny when you are a lover of Africa, how are there still Africans alive? Y'all are racist and may God forgive you. You know we're rich with natural resources, that's why y'all come to steal from us. Shame on you all!