What do you call a skeleton's erection?
A boner.
what did the skelaton say when he well on his funny he laugh
Why did the skeleton not tell jokes? It lost its funny bone. Maybe you should try putting it back.
A skeleton had a job interview but he looked messy
I had to fix his COLLARbone
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road. It didn't have the guts to do it.
What do you call a skeleton with no arms? An UN-ARMED skeleton
What's a skeleton's favorite meme? Ken Bone
Q:why doesn't a skeleton mother drink water? A:because it gives her more work!
What does skeleton said after dinner Bon-e Appétit
what is the skelitons faverite insterment. a zilabone
what does we call a skeleton who has a ton of travels. a skele-TON
Why didn't the skeleton follow his dreams? He was too gutless.
Who is the most famous skeleton? Sherlock bones
What type of place would papyrus hang out at
The SPA-ghetti
*insert ba dum tss here*