
Similarity Jokes

Jeffery Dahmer has two things, an RV and a pit.

What is different about the two is that one can't move and one has gas

But what is similar is tha-

Wait, what is Jeffery doing? He has a knife, he is pulling men's pants down, he is...OH SHIT WHAT THE F-

Sorry bout that......

Now as i was saying

What is similar about the two is that one has and is a cockpit

Wait a cockpit- JEFFERY WHAT THE F-

Dark humor and woman are very similar...

Not everyone appreciates them, but they both give everyone something to make fun of.

Q : What's the similarity between a dog and a bed?

A : I can jump on my bed. A : And I use a pillow on both of them.

What's the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb

You can't unscrew a pregnant woman

What's a similarity between a broken lightbulb, and a pregnant woman

They're both accidents


How are babies and watermelons similar?

They are both fun to smash open with a sledgehammer and eat the insides