knock knock whos there discord server discord server who this server is dead bye bitchs I got better thing to do than wattch you sit here and type like a sloth
What is the difference between a sloth and a depressed kid? A sloth doesn't need a rope to hang.
What is the similarity between a sloth and a depressed kid?
They both hang from trees.
Why can't depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging.
Why can't orphans play baseball? Because they can't find home!
A serial killer was at my house and killed all my family but me. Why? I was in the living room.
What do sloths and depressed people have in common? They both hang off trees.
What is a group of depressed kids called? The suicide squad.
what do sloths and depressed people have in common? ... they both hang from trees.