Stephen Hawking isn't actually dead. He is just having an update.
If Silver Surfer and Iron Man teamed up, they would be great ALLOYS!
Q: What do you do with a sick chemist?
A: If you cannot helium, you have to curium. If you cannot curium, you have to barium!
I was going to make a chemistry joke. But it looks like I won’t get a reaction :)
Poor Stephen Hawking couldn't pass the "I'm not a robot" test.
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite genre of music? Rock and roll.
Why did he not love anymore? His battery died.
Why did Stephen Hawking die?
Because his carer lost his charger.
Stephen Hawking drove too far away from the wall and unplugged himself.
Astronomers got tired of watching the moon rotate around the earth for 24 hours, so they just called it a "day".
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite TV show?
Robot Wars.
Why did the bird lay an egg on Stephen Hawkings Because he's is Stephen HAWKings.
Did you know when scientists discovered atoms could split, it blew them all away?
The only reason Stephen Hawking died is because he broke his charger.
How many apps did he download?
Well, he did run out of storage.
How did Stephen Hawking die? He lost Wi-Fi connection.
Why don’t they let Stephen Hawking have other electronics around him? Because he will sound staticky.
What were Stephen Hawking's last words?
So I was on Google, and on my computer it had Windows. When Stephen Hawking died, it shut down, the shutdown sound played, and wouldn't turn on again.
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite food? Microchips.