What do you call Stephen Hawking on fire? "HOT WHEELS"
What's black and sits on the bottom of the stairs to the cellar?
Steven Hawking where the experiments went wrong.
Two atom soldiers are fighting against an army. One gets shot. He cried out, "I'm hit! I think I've lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" asks the other.
"I'm positive!"
What if Stephen Hawking was the Real Slim Shady, but no one knew because he couldn't stand up?
Steven Hawkins has enough money to stand up but can’t grab the money
"Wheel" all miss him, right?
Why didn’t Stephen Hawking go to heaven? Because it’s a staircase, not a ramp.
It's said Duracell batteries are supposed to last 75 years, well Stephen, here you are.
What do Stephen Hawking and the Wicked Witch have in common?
If you throw water over them, they both die...
How do trees calculate square roots? They use log-arithms.
I set fiya to the rain! Wait, no, that ain't possible, what... I evaporated the rain!
Is Stephen Hawking a physicist now?
No, because he is dead.
Stephen Hawking walked into a bar. Just kidding :(
What do you call someone that looks like Stephen Hawkins and is a space head? Byron Davey.
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite dance move? The worm.
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite song?
"Highway to Hell."
Where do you go when Steve Hawkins dies?
Daughter: Mommy, what ever happened to Steven Hawking?
Mother: He died.
Daughter: How did he die?
Mother: He never got recharged.
Stephen Hawking will be greatly missed for the time he walked this Earth.