Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says, "Can I have a drink of H2O?" Then the second says, "Can I have a drink of H2O2?" and he dies.
I’m reading a book about Anti-Gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
What was on Stephen Hawking's gravestone? "Intel inside."
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite song?
Head, shoulders, screws, and bolts.
An astronomer walked up to me and I was like, "Give me some SPACE...".
Are u getting the funnys
What's the difference between Stephen Hawking and a baby? The baby is still alive.
When Stephen Hawking entered Heaven and met with the Lord, after a short interview God asked : " Hey Stephen, I need you to explain to me how does all this stuff work ? "
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite song?
- They see me rolling.
RIP Stephen Hawking who was buried today... he did always love black holes.
Why was Stephen Hawking good at football? Because he is a pro dribbler.
How did Stephen Hawking die?
They unplugged the wifi.
Why did Stephen Hawking die? He didn't pay his electricity bills.
Why did Stephen Hawking die? He ran out of WiFi.
I'm really worried for Stephen Hawking, 'cause how is he going to climb the stairway to Heaven?
I knocked on Stephen Hawking's door, but nobody answered...
All I got was "error 404 page not found."
Hey, did you know that Stephen Hawking predicted the end of the world?
Well, not really. He predicted the end of *his* world.
His name rhymes with walking and talking, but he can’t do either.
Stephen Hawking just died. Have they tried rebooting him to factory settings?
One time, I bought a magnet. My wife asked why I bought it. I said I couldn't help myself; I felt attracted to it.
When Stephen Hawking was feeling hungry, he used to call in to his local PC World for a megabyte and some microchips.