Your hairline is so long that Odell beckem jr missed a catch and saw your hairline from a mile away
I saw that my brother has brain cancer, so I asked him: "Are you big brain?"
Driving through the woods today I saw a boy with a bare behind.
if ur sis mack u mad saw go to ur frundy home play if ur sis sud no go tell mom
I beat up a blind kid but he says hes the strongest he never saw that one!
Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. So I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”
roses are red violets are blue when The Oh Hellos saw you they said "Shoo"
so i was walking around the outside of the buliding and i saw a kid and asked “where’s your parents” I love working at the orphanage
When I saw u it instantly made me cry LOL
your hairline is so back when the police saw it they had to arrest you
Today, I saw my friend go crazy eating her ham sandwich. When she went to the bathroom,I checked inside her ham sandwich and there was fresh drugs.
I saw a little boy begging for money i said"are you an orphan" he said "yes what gave me away" i said" Your Parents"
bro this guys hairline I saw the other day was no were to be seen
Flex tape can fix a sawed in half boat. Then how the fuck can it not fix the Titanic when it broke in half? tell me.
I got pranked so many times once I saw two wheels rolling down the street I hear this noise I look behind me there's a legless man in a wheelless chair screaming "HELP I CANT GO ANYWERE'' but I walked away I knew it was a prank
Unbelievable! When I searched “house of spades” all I saw was a slave home!
What did the tree say to the Lumberjack? Leaf me alone