
Rape Jokes

So my sister is a feminist I asked her what do you to hear a rape joke she said no I still decided to force one down her throat anyway.

How do you make an 8 year old girl cry twice. Wipe your bloody cock off on her favourite teddy bear after you’ve finished raping her

Why did the sexy 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy get raped? Because her parents didn’t have the decency to drown her at birth

Why do so many people hate Bill Cosby? I mean, all he did was have affairs with drunk attention-seeking women. They literally begged for it.

If anyone's joke here says "burn in hell", I will mimic your account for the rest of your life.

This isn't a joke but

I'm a survivor and use humor to cope. I find these extremely funny so please leave the people writing these alone 😭

rape isn't a joke. it's a type of way of making friends, and to mate with other women. it's a way of art, and works on anybody! like this if you agree.