Why can't Michael Jackson ever win in a race? Because he always comes in a little behind.
Do you ever wonder why Michael from Halloween likes his mask so much? It's because he ad-Myers it.
What are Michael Jackson’s sexual pronouns? Hee hee!
I'm sweating like Michael Jackson at a kindergarten.
why did Micheal Jackson go to the movies. he saw there was minor nudity
Why does kids like Michael Jackson So much ?Because he made out of plastic and that what toys made out of 😂
What did Santa Claus bring Michael Jackson for Christmas? His elves! 😂😂😂
Shrek and the Hulk became politicians.
And they created The Green Party.
What's worse than ants in your pants?
Michael Jackson.
Alvin and the Chipmunks commit war crimes.
One time Uma Thurman was Poison Ivy; she was weird in that, except for her punny jokes.
You must be a Charmander. Because you’re making me hot.
A list of Sans puns would be Sans-tastic!
What do you call a Pokémon who can’t move very fast?
A Slowpoke.
What do you tell a stressed-out Pokémon?
“Kakuna Rattata!”
Which Pokémon do soccer players like the most?
Pokemon: Are you a Flareon? Why?
Because you’re a sexy fox.
What does an electric-type Pokémon say when they get gassy while drinking milk?
I’m Zaptos intolerant!
What did one Geodude say to the other Geodude?
Let’s rock!
What do you call a Pirate Pokemon?