Person Jokes

"Don't forget you are what you eat," said one person. "Then I should eat a skinny person." said the other.

guy: Say "I'm a man" every time I stop. person: guy: you walk into a bar. person: I'm a man guy:you meet a girl person: I'm a man guy:you and the girl go to a hotel\ person: I'm a man guy:you guys go on a bed person: I'm a man. guy:she whispers into your ear person:I'm a man

What do you call a person who wants to be punched a lot?

A clout chaser

search up "clout meaning" if you don't get it

Somebody told another person that they would meet at the crack of Dawn. Lets just say Dawn got very mad.

Why did the little boy cry?

He had a frog nailed to his face and stapled to each of his fins. The frogs were his personal molesters.

did you hear the one about the deaf person me: no thats because they caint hear so they dont talk

There was a person inside, who needed help from the police, but the police changed their number, so he ordered a party with pizzas from 2 airplanes, but the pilots were stupid so they put in people instead of pizzas, and one landed on the 93rd floor, and the 94th floor, literally.