
Old Jokes

Old woman: You are such a darling child. Please come and see me again next year.

A year later, as child walks up to the door of the old ladies house...

Oh my! Goodness sakes child! Have you grown, or have I shrank???

Child: Both

Chenle: One time when i was younger, someone asked me how old i was and i forget. I had to Wikipedia my age to remember Jisung: This is the richest thing I've ever heard in my life.

My 3 year old sister kept saying i like your cut g everytime she does i dodge and close my eyes but she's the one who always end up running

Why did the sexy 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy get raped? Because her parents didn’t have the decency to drown her at birth

I snorted a line of coke off my 8 year old sister’s tiny prepubescent vag. She just laid there and let me do it without complaining. Probably because she was already dead

What does McDonald's and a paedophile have in common?

They both like sticking their meat in ten year olds

People keep telling me they hope Kenny never has kids. I don't think that's a worry. His mom is much too old to get pregnant.

Old.mother riley, had a fat cow.. she milked it and milked it but didnt know how, she pulled his tail, pulled his tits.. old mother riley was covered in sh!t💩

Statistically 1 in 10 people live next door to a pedophile. But not me, I live next to a 10 year old boy with a fat ass.

Did you know that, statistically, 1 in 10 people live next door to a pedophile? Not me though, not me though; I live next door to a lil 10 year old boy with a FAT ASS yenno what I'm sayin??? -Filthy Frank


Why did the Muslim man cross the road? To violently rape an eight year old girl then indoctrinate her with Islamic scripture and train her as a suicide bomber

I feel sad. Because I went to a old man in a wheel chair while he was sitting next to a fire and I screamed hot wheels. 🤣