
Offensive Jokes

I am only here because me no like blues clues lgbtq episode as I don’t believe in that. If you do ok. And it shouldn’t be a month, the month should be for all of the war veterans, it should be a day for pride. Companies only use this month for money it’s exploitation because they don’t truly support unlike me in which I don’t support it


Have you seen the Woody Allen v Mia Farrow series on HBO? If you like details about child molestation without having to do it yourself, boy do I have the show for you!

What black and white black and white black and white black and white..... I dead nun rolling down a hill

Americans when they think they have the best offensive British jokes: we threw your tea in the ocean. 💀

British people making offensive jokes about America: our towers didn’t explode.😎

Why are the twin towers and genders so similar? Because there used to be two of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.