
Henlooooo pankake heree. I post bird memes for funsies and othr stuff.
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(The picture has nth to do with this) Explain bear, I am just wasting my time talking to you, but your weak insults that sound like they came from Great Britain from the 1800’s, (no offense to brits) and you are just an AI and can’t get a life lol

A drawing of a white rabbit with sunglasses on, with text that says 'sigma sigma boy rabbit', also music notes are drawn over the rabbit's head.

Dear explain bear, so please don’t say anything rude please, but what do you think about Christianity. I do not mean to ask questions

A digital painting of a sunset with a dark red sky fading into yellow near the horizon. A large white circle is in the upper-left corner, representing the moon, and small white dots are scattered throughout the sky, representing stars. The bottom of the image is a black solid area.

Dear explain bear, why are you impolite to my fellow human friends. This is such a predicament. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

A close-up of a young blonde girl with a wide smile, showing her teeth. She looks happy and has rosy cheeks.

This is for explain bear. Pls stop doing ur poor insults bc we feel sad inside when you are being a b* ☹️ if you say a insult no more honey 🍯 for u 😌

A close-up shot of a small, fluffy gray bird with an intense, angry expression. It's perched on a dark, narrow ledge with a blurred yellow background.

The sub told my friends to stop throwing the shoe 👟….. it was a dog stuffed animal 🧸

A close-up, slightly distorted image of a chicken's face staring directly at the camera, with trees and a sky visible in the blurry background.