
Octopus Jokes

yo mama so stupid she joined the squid game as a sea life lover bc she thought it was a game of whoever catches the most octopuses wins

cousin. hay is tha an octopus. me. yes what it is just a octopus. cousin. oh yeah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! octupus touch me!. me. what it is just one..... ummmmm dad cousin d

What is the difference between a white octopus and a white squid? A white octopus isn't in the K K K!

Why does a penis tastes like octopus 🐙 stupid question 😒 🙄 even the catholic church ⛪ 🙏 knows that one

Person A: What do you call the dangly bit of an octopus?

Person B: Tentacles?

Person A: Ok *tickles person B ten times*

what do you call 2 octopus that look the same? Itenticale!

Where does a octopus put its money? In a octo-purse