What has eight legs and doesn’t rape children?
The Jackson 4.
What has eight legs and doesn’t rape children?
The Jackson 4.
How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus? Tentacles!
What has eight legs and leaves kids alone? The Jackson 4.
What are 8 people hiding in corner because their scared
An octo pus
why did the octopus did not get a tent beacsue it had tentakls
what do you call an imposter octopus
What do you call an annoyed octopus?
What is the difference between a white octopus and a white squid?
A white octopus isn't in the KKK!
What do you feed a group of octopuses for dessert?
What do you call an octopus on land?
A spider, duh!
What sea creature can add up? A octoplus.
Person A: What do you call the dangly bit of an octopus?
Person B: Tentacles?
Person A: Ok *tickles person B ten times*