"Dees nutz, got 'em!"
You know stairs, right? The dark... My there is something. I know that if you fall down the stairs, your balls will be crushed!
What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? Hold on to your nuts; this ain’t no ordinary blow job.
What is six inches, has nuts, and is hard?
A sinkers bar.
Have you ever seen the Pokemon called Ryh... Rhydon these nuts?
What does one boob say to the other boob
If we don’t get support, people will think we’re nuts.
Do you know Biden. Biden on these nuts
Michael Jackson had an allergic reaction after eating 12-year-old nuts.
one time michael jackson had an elergic reaction from eation 12 year old nuts
I have nut cancer...
Did you hear about the guy that dipped his balls in glitter?
Pretty nuts, huh?
me.do you like cobble. my friend. no me. gobble deez nuts
What is a testicle's favorite book?
Put Tony's Nuts in Your Mouth!
A man walks into a doctor's office, naked and wrapped in Glad Wrap.
The doctor replies with: "I can clearly see your nuts."
friend: you are joking me: joking on deez nuts
Have you played the game Imagine Dragons? Imagine draggin' deez nuts!
What's Pokémon #539 (Sawk)?
Sawk on deez nuts!
Me: How do cowboys say hello?
Friend: Howdy.
Me: How do deez nuts fit in your mouth?
Me: What are we doing in HPE?
Friend: Fitness.
Me: Fitting deez nuts in your mouth.
Me: What's the fifth month of the year?
Friend: May.
Me: May deez nuts fit in your mouth?