I tried to explain to my 4 year old son that it's perfectly normal to accidentally poop your pants. -- But he's still making fun of me.
Q. Whats the difference between a normal kid and a emo kid A. One has Functioning neck
Q. What is the difference between a normal kid and a emo kid A. The Phrase Jump Rope mean to different things
Can anyone answer this riddle? Apparently this is the worlds hardest riddle! Good luck 😝- “I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities.”
I spy with my little eye nothing because I only have two normal sized eyes.
An Oxymoron: A “Normal Autistic”.
Normal people: I'm my own nationality.
Micheal Jackson: Click here to change nationality
I asked my doctor if it was normal for one of my nuts to be bigger than the other two.
cool people i can do anything normal people can do nothing
What the difference between normal sex and anal sex ?
One makes your whole day and one makes your hole weak
Whats the difference between crazy people and regular people.
We don't live in their heads
whats the difference between an emo people and normal people, normal people have wrists
What’s the difference between a normal kid and an Emo? When you feel an Emos arm there’s lots of texture! Feels great too!
what is the difference between a normal kid and an orphan, a normal kid has a family
I live next to a kindergarten and yesterday they had a fire drill. It was kinda weird because normally it's me who has a drill around little children.
Depressed people have beautiful smile. Ok, its not joke for normal people, but its joke for us
Knock knock QoS there me me who me and you
What happenes if a boy bumps into a dog
It’s a bumper team
In normal country you call it Yugoslavia. In soviet Russia its call aregoslavia.
In normal country you call it Yugoslavia. In soviet Russia its called yugostravia.
Did you adopt your dog?