I did phone sex but I'll never do it again because last time my penis got stuck in the chargin cored
Why do I only date orphans? Because they never have daddy issues
Never trust a donky, they are always full of shit.
i would tell a pussy joke, but you would never get it
Roses are red, the sky is blue, what do you do, oh never mind I'm not homo like you
The teacher says to do your homework. I do. my friends do. one person never does any of his homework.
eventually we had to have fun. He said he didn't do it. WOW what did he do? I like to think he got smacked and nearly commit suicide.
Do you want to hear a joke about Paper? Never mind its Tear-able
They told me I could never be an actor.
No one suspected me when they went missing the next day.
My grandfather never threw anything away, bless him. He died in the war holding on to a hand grenade.
whats black anorexic dumb and will never get a girlfriend
why is the sea salty? because the land never waves back
What present can a pimp always buy his hoes to both show how much he thinks of them and know they can never get enough of?
why should you never give else a balloon? cause she will let it go
Two men are next to each other. one looks at the other "are you a fascist". The other man responds "no why would i be" The first man pulls out a gun "are you sure." The second man says "never mind a fascist"
Girls are like valcanoes.
You never know when they will erupt.
Do you know why you should never let a blonde handle grenades?
They'll end up only throwing the pin.
That one person who can never bring a smile to your face..
Until you push them down 3 flights of stairs.
My friend Jimmy said his dad is exactly like Santa. I asked, "Why is it because he gives people presents?" Jimmy told me, "No, it's because I hear so many good things about him and how he's gonna come home, but never see him."
The other day my wife said "take me someplace I have never been before, I said why don't you try the kitchen! "
I know that my jokes are never punny but...