
Need Jokes

I was talking to a muslem yesterday, And he asked me what it's like to be blind. I happened to tell him about 20 jokes, in fact I was working on my twentieth. So I answered with "At least I don't have to screw in light bulbs. It 's not like I need the damn things anyway.

I needed to take a phone call so I went to the the nearest exit I guess you can say it was very exciting 😂

Me:Why did the bus drop his ice cream? Sanity to live: I don't know? Me:He was run over by Timmy!!! Sanity to live?*dies* Me:*At edge of bridge* wow sweat view Sanity to live:*resurrected* Narrator: sometimes a bridge is all you need... (sponsored by jumping bridges)

history teacher: They had a temporary cure for the disease , but it would be years before the found a cure for life. Student: I need that.

my grandpa is an asshole,the fucker deserved to die,the son of a bitch was using his life support,and i needed to change my iphone.

the sad thing is when they ride the scooters in wal mart.....really you declining to walk is what got your fat ass in that scooter to begin with.....and damned if they arent buying diet soda.....please....cull this shit...we dont need them in society...kfc is not a disease