Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

why does adam go hockey you might ask? in my opinion he shouldnt go cus he is bad but he needs the armour to protect him self from his own STEP-DAD

My wife caught me fucking our daughter. I don't know what she found worse, the fact I was fucking out daughter, or that the clinic have me the fetus.


What is it called when u whoop a donkey?

A whooped ass and apparently some people get that everyday from their drunk dads.

The American salute start's with your hand being facing flat towards the ground on your head. The British salute starts with your hand against your head just like the American Salute. The French salute starts your hands in the air. The Saudi salute starts with you being bent over with a camel tongue in your ass.


Why did the hedgehog cross the road? To get to the other side (suicide)

Why did the second hedgehog cross the road? To see his flatmate