
Mix Jokes

Someone asked me what the worst mistake you could make while bieng at work was and i replied " being a doctor and mixing up the oral and rectal thermometers"

so you know theres likedog mixes rhight like a snoodle and that stuuf right so why cant a bull dog and a shight shu cant be mixed cause if they did it would be called bullshit

What do you get when you mix Harry Houdini, a basketball and the 17th president?

Magic Johnson.

I made a playlist for hiking. It has music from Peanuts, the Cranberries, and Eminem. I call it my trail mix.

If you mixed the iraq wheat scandal with the basics card paying other people's dole to your wife and tumble dried it in a royal commission that made your priestly mates look bad what would you get? Tony Abbott's career

πŸ€” 😳 😫 πŸ˜• What do you πŸ“ž πŸ€” 😏 πŸ˜„ 😜 πŸ€” 😏 call physically handicapped β™Ώ homophobic heterosexual men and woman in wheelchairs? β™Ώ mixed nuts πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘© πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘©

I went to kill Biden with poison water and mixed it with my finger and then licked it. I passed out and now I'm here.

Hey amazing people! The Prankster is back! This prank was on my sister and her friends. (tbh I did not think she had friends.) 1. I set out some snacks for them! Btw (I can't be trusted). 2. I gatherd some slapies. 3. The things I gatherd where Tomatos, onions, milk, carrots, ice cream, and some dried out green beans! all that stuff! To the 4.

4. I need the tomatos to make a sauce because I am going to put that with the ice cream, mix that up with the milk, yea yea it might look like a gross and nasty dish...WRONG!!!! I am going to make it into a little snack...anyway we make that into a snack for her and her friends. The onions are used to make their eye's cry and burn but I will give them a towl after that. The dried out green beens are just to make them go over the top and overreact because I did not cook them. After that we make it like its not so iky! 5. I feed it to them! They overreacted! Please leave a comment. Byee!

IN memory of Michael Jackson, various ice cream companies are introducing the jackson Chocolte ice cream, it is either 50 year old cream mixed in with 10 year old nuts, or 7 year old vanilla ice cream with 50 year old chocolate drizled on 4 year old tiny nuts.

Prankster is Backster...DANG IT: Hey guys, prank for today is when I lied about feeling sick so I won't have to go to school. Introduction: This prank was commentited a week ago! Around 5:00 a.m. in the morning! 1. I got out some eggs, milk, salt, and a little bit of mashed olives...will those are main ingreidents. 2. I mixed it all up for about 2 mins just make it look really like barf...no going to school today! 3. I put it under the sofa just give it some solid scence to it. 4. I fix my breakfast eggs and becon. Then when my mom comes down I...PULL OUT MY FAKE BARF!!!!! News flash make a fake excuse for her to leave! My excuse is "I need some thing its in my room I don't want to get cause it would wast time" She fell for it. Then I pull out my FAKE barf which looks like real barf. Then you say or I said "Mom I don't feel so good''! News flash: Don't over sell it think about all that boring school work! and guess what she fell for it so I spend all day doing nothing...aboulty nothing! Will thats the prankster anymore pranks you want ask me in the comment section! Byeeeeeeeeeee