Why was the Roman soldier kicked out of the army? Because he was "Romin" around during war.
Have you ever stepped into Steven Hawking's House?
Neither as he.
Why couldn't the bicycle stand? It was two-tired...
what games do you play if you are board.board games
Whats brown and sticky. what did you think! A stick......
You wana hear a joke? You
Q: Why should you never invite an aardvark to your family reunion?
A: Because it will eat your "aunts."
What do you call an angry shopper?
A cuss-tomer.
Why do I carry pepper spray? JUST IN CASE OF AS-SAULT.
Why did every one quit the high school volleyball team: To join COACH KYLE"S team of course.
"So you dropped my instruments on stage?"
"It was only the Bass!"
I had a dream about the whole ocean being filled with orange soda.
Turns out it was a Fanta sea.
“I need help goerge sink”said Jimmy “What is it”said Goerge Sink “Can you wash my dishes”said Jimmy
My friends.
What is a pedophile's favorite part of a hockey game?
Before the first period.
What's the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One is fun to hit with a sledge hammer, and the other is just a watermelon.
Video game company names always make me make puns I didn't intend to.
Q: What's a pedophile's favorite place to eat?
A: Schools because there is a wide variety of choices.
How many babies does it take to paint a wall?
Depends how hard you throw them.