I couldn’t understand why the baseball was getting bigger and bigger.
Then it hit me.
what did the chicken say when he crossed the road
Mary Poppins went to a restaurant and ordered cheese, eggs, and cauliflower. When she left, she had written something in the complaint box: "Super cauliflower, eggs, but cheese was quite atrocious." (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)
My life, haha so funny
wanna hear the car joke. nah it's to fast for you.
Wanna hear a construction joke?
Nah, I'm still working on it.
fuck nugget
What would you call a person who hides in a house for 24 hours and then kills them?
Whoever killed Adolf Hitler is MY hero!
Someone asked me what the worst mistake you could make while being at work was, and I replied, "Being a doctor and mixing up the oral and rectal thermometers."
You want a joke? My entire existence.
abcdef ghijklmnop qrstuv
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Your mom.
Your mom who?
O shit, my mom's home! Honey, get the f*** out of my house!