Where can u never take an orphan to dinner?
Family restaurants
what do you call a baby in an oven? my next meal
Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine. But why did seven eat nine? Because seven knew you had to have three squared meals a day
When do astronauts eat? At launch time!
What did a terrorist say when New York didn't want his food?
Here Comes The Airplane!
My daughter said i could never make a car out of spaghetti, you should have seen the look on her face when I drove pasta!!!!
Why do orphans have water with their cereal? Because their dad never came back with the milk.
After 12 its lunch 😂😂
An old man walks to a busy restaurant. He tells the waiter what he wants and asks her, "Can I have a discount, I served in the war?" The waitress says, "Of course, and would you like that meal with sauce?" "Nein," said the old man.
I don't like marriage, it's just like soup, as soon as your done spooning it all cools off