Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One turns to the other and says, "I think I've lost my electron." The other asks, "Are you sure?" "Yes," the first says, "I'm positive."
why are amercians so bad at class royals because they already lost 2 towers
Why does Britan suck at chess?
They lost their queen.
Why does the U.S Goverment doesnt play clash of clans
Because they lost 2 Towers Already.
Kid me: I lost my stick
Teacher : No you didn’t
Kid me: How do you know that?
Teacher: It’s hanging out out of your pants
Why do orphans like boomerang more then there parents? The boomerang comes back
One day I saw a kid cry so I go. Let's go find your parents. I miss my job at the orphanage
why do orphans get lost on boats? They can't find the home room
Ring Ring Hi I've been needing to call you your hairline has been found by dora after 25 years
Did you know that they are making a movie about the four boys who lost there lives on the ice? There calling the movie The Lost Boys.
I ran into a kid today now im in jail and i lost ma drivers license
A dog walked into a tavern and said, “I can’t see a thing. I’ll open this one.” The humor of it is probably related to the Sumer way of life (and has been lost), but the words remain.
whats the same with ur dad and retail row
they are both off the map
A dog walked into a tavern and said, "I can't see a thing. I'll open this one." The humor of it is probably related to the Sumer way of life (and has been lost), but the words remain.
You lost 30 lbs when you joined Weight Watchers, and lost another 10 lbs when they shaved your back
I lost my job making storage units for the police after a week, guess you could say it was a brief case
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? —where’s my tractor!
Warning, All unsaved progress will be lost." - Sun Tzu, The Art of war
John pretended to be a doctor. Motu came to him. He said "I lost my hunger". John brought some samosas for his lunch. Motu ate them. John said "Your hunger is back!" Then,Motu said "I lost my taste." John said "Number 1,bring some water." Motu drank it and said "This is petrol!" John said "Your taste is back!" Motu said "I lost my memory." John said "Number 1, bring some medicine." Motu said "But Number 1 brought water." John said "Your memory is back!"
My mama always told me, don't pick your nose or it will fall off! I thought she meant my nose. Hey give me a break! I'm a little shorthanded! Oh no not rock paper scissors again! I always lose. Come on guys I just lost my finger a day ago this is Tony later on
How did Stephen hawking die. He lost a water gun fight