What do you call a dinosaur with good eyesight............do you think he saw us
What do you call Tarzan when he swings through the trees backwards?
What do you call 2 nudists in Africa?
Naked and Afraid.
What does a gorilla attorney study?
The law of the jungle.
What do they feed a gorilla in Paris?
Ape Suzettes.
What do you call field day in Africa?
The hunger games
Why are elephants π so responsible?
Because they keep their belongings in the trunk.
What's a cannibal's favorite place?
A day care.
What do you call a cow that lives in Africa? Moo-fasa!
Why did everyone suggest that the cheetah eat all the pumpkins?
Because he cheated at everything!
What is black and white, black and white, black and white and green?
Three zebras fighting over a pickle.
Why did the monkey fall from the tree? Because he was dead.
What's an Asian's worst nightmare? A tree.
What's white, black, and red all over?
A zebra who walked into a hunting reserve.
Why does every emo kid try to be like Tarzan? So they can swing on the vine.
What animal lies? A lion.
What do you call a wild party in a bamboo forest?
Why do cheetahs have spots outside of their bodies?
Because they don't have them on the inside.
Monkeys are big, but they sure can swing very lightly.
Wanted to go to the zoo, it was too packed, so I went to KFC instead. Their monkey enclosure is better anyway.