
Jackson Jokes

In memory of Michael Jackson, various ice cream companies are introducing the Jackson Chocolate ice cream. It is either 50 year old cream mixed in with 10 year old nuts, or 7 year old vanilla ice cream with 50 year old chocolate drizzled on 4 year old tiny nuts.

Farrah Fawcett, upon arriving at the pearly gates, God asked her, for having led such an honest life, to grant her one wish. Farrah simply requested that the children of the world would be safe.

Five hours later, Michael Jackson died.

Me=looks like a girl, sure as h3ll i don't sound like one Micheal Jackson=looks like a boy, sure as h3ll don't sound like one that we have i commen, but if you mix up my gender i won't give a F about it Micheal Jackson not so much : )