
Harding Jokes

how many tottenham players does it take to win a trophy? it doesn't matter how hard they try, they still can't win one anyway

Why does Johnny Sins cover his pants, but it doesn't work?

Because the long, hard thing can't chirp down

Tell it to ur parents and friends

"I miss you- Being happy was never that hard without you..."

Someone's dad: You think he/she wants to join me? I didn't get the milk...

nostalgia hits you like a train. it's so hard, you can even wake up.

A man is about to be hanged. His executioner asks for his last words. The man says: “Man, it’s hard to think of something when your life is on the line.”

What animal...howls at the moon...and...eats...cement...if you guessed wolf ur right(I threw in the cement to make it hard

Which ones super super corny? 🤨🤨

.What's blue and not heavy? (🤔) Light blue

2. What's blue and super hard to see

Dark blue (🤔)

I told my sister that when you got to bed with an itchy but your going to have smelly fingers in the morning and i've never heard her laugh so hard in my life.