What's your fav color?
"Emo kid hanging."
Paralyzed Man: * gets up * I’m out of here
Blind Man : Did that paralyzed man just get up
Deaf Man : did that Blind Man see that paralyzed man get up
Mute Man: did that deaf man just hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
Dead Man: did that mute man just say did that deaf man just hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
“Normal” Man: Did that dead man hear the mute man say didt that deaf man hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
Doctor: * calls 911*
911 service: 911 what’s your emergency
Doctor: yes uh, a “normal” person just said taht did that dead man just hear a mute man say did that deaf man just hear the blind man see a paralyzed man get up
911 service: * hangs up*
Last night little Johnny went to his room and saw people hanging out there, little balls.
Q: Why was the depressed kid sad on Christmas?
A: They weren't hanging like the ornaments on a tree.
what are Emo kids good at ..... hanging around
Why don't we have female magicians?
'Cause the last ones got hanged.
What is an Emos favorite Hobby? Hanging in.
Why does a leave fall faster than an Emo? The Emo hangs himself