
Funny Jokes

These are not funny those that are Adopted feel hurt by these! You shall feel ashamed of yourself! Take the L! - Losers

if u make jokes abt SH you're not funny and if u do im gonna assume you're some 12 year old who wants to be an edge lord idrc if ppl get pressed

Jorden Calerendiá. i bet ur a child molester who got out of jail & is not sexualing harrassing kids such as addison! Will fuck off and get a life, btw ur rost r not fuckin funny there bullshit like ur face and ur hairline.

can u guys commet on my nuts jokes (aka willma, bofa, and savor) i just wanna see if ppl dont think its funny

Hello worst I am not typing but instead using a microphone to speech ding me a period. I don’t see what’s coming up but I don’t know why I am sending so it will be random or funny or just stupid LOL . So like and subscribe and

Why did the car drive over the cake? Cause it was in teirs!! Lol sorry this ain’t funny

You’ll parsley be-leaf how many puns I have. Hopefully your funny-bone isn’t broken because these are real rib-ticklers.

Neona (😃): Gwen! I got the job!!!!!!!!!

Gwen (😁): I knew it !! I knew my prayer worked!

Neona (😁): He said that all my ideas are the best and that I start on Monday!

Gwen (😏): Man, don't you love Mr. Jaekson? He is the best person the company has ever had!

Neona (🙁): Who is Mr. Jaekson?

Gwen (😕): Wait ... Mr. Jaekson didn't interview you?

Neona (😕): No! Mr. Smith did. He said he was standing.

Gwen (😯): No, Mr. Smith, you are a fool who never lets you spread the word or do anything. I can also mention that he is a person who has sexual problems!

Neona(🤨,🙁,😠): Gwen, you are a liar!

Gwen (😟): No, I'm not. I'm telling the truth Neona!

Neona (😔): Gwen please be happy that I got the job without you lying that Mr.Smith sexual hassults women!!!

Gwen (🙁): He does your not listing.

Neona (🤬): I don't care BITCH!!!!

this is not a joke its a warning!

you guys are stupid I am an ophan and you better stop doing these btw if you are an ophan put it in the comments and say that it's not funny!

Kid: Hi Mum!

Mum: Hi Loser

Kid: Why

Mum: You Loser Why hahaha

Kid: waaaaaaaa

I know this is not funny but who cares

My sister got mad when i rold her this joke about say this word 10 times and she got in trouble and it was a funny word that she did not even no what she was saying ahhahaha 😆 lol

these are funny yall are disgusting people. just shut the fuck up. rape isn’t something you joke about.