Stinking poo poo bum.
Joke of the day: Your mum is so fat I saw her at Greg’s! 😭🤣
Yo mama so fat that when she went in the ocean, Spain claimed her for new land.
"Rapeboat" so fat it made yo momma look thin.
Your mom is so fat that she only knew 3 letters which is K F C
You ever had sex with a woman that is so fat , it counted as a threesome
your mum
You're so skinny you're a thin stick You're so fat that when you got in Pacific Ocean you became the Pacific Ocean You're so ugly you got stuff for free You're so nasty that when you eat spaghetti you thought it was throw up You're so fat you're the fattest person on Earth You are so gay you kiss the boy last night
Me: Hey do you live in the ocean? random guy: Why? Me: Because you look like a whale.
your mom is so fat santa claus came done and said ho ho holy shit