Ur mom gay
Your momma so fat she was in a movie and the screen broke
"I can lose 10 ugly pounds anytime I want -- I'll just cut off my head!" Do you use humor to make light of your emotional eating and your weight? Make jokes about overeating and being fat as a way of getting along with other people? I was a Grand Champion at it.
your mama so fat that when you were born yo mama gave yu carpet birn
Which is the best sport at making fat people lose weight?
Canned hunting
What do you call a person with a fat brain?
A fat neek!
What do you call a fat speaky in a wheel chair speaky chair
Your mama so fat that’s why Hulk gets big
you so fat u dont need internet cuz u already worldwide
your mama so fat she broke the stairs to heaven
What did the fat guy say to the skinny- Fat-Does this look fat on me Skinny-no I don’t think it’s that Fat-thinking
yo mama so fat she the ice burge
Yo mama so fat, she broke the stairs to heaven
Fat Lever
Have u ever felt a earthquake? It’s not nature it’s Brandan Bressler
When fat people sit down at a restaurant, you can hear the chair screaming.
Your mom is so fat that when she went on top of one of the twin towers it collapsed.
Yo mama's so fat, she was overthrown by a small militia group, and now she's known as the Republic of Yo Mama.
yo mama so fat that if she didn't eat for a day there would be enough food to feed africans for 500 years
ur mom is so fat buzz light year had to say to infinity to beyond to leave her house