
Fat Jokes

What is the difference between a feminist and a gorilla? One of them is fat and hairy, while the other one has a functional brain (the gorilla, of course).

yo mama is so fat that she got on the scale and it says lose some pounds before u get on the scale or it will break

a fat girl was dancing on the table and i said nice legs she says you really think so and i say yes definitely most tables would of been broken by now

Your mum is so fat Les Dawson would agree with me that when she passes her handbag from hand to hand she throws it.


A snorlax was in a bar. And he was drinking beer when an Eevee and a Rockruff hopped onto a stool. The Eevee ordered an oranberry special for the both of them.

Snorlax: Y'all make the perfect couple.

Random Zorua: Dragonite, is it just an illusion, or is that snorlax fatter than this region?