Your mom is so fat, when she asked, "What gift will I get?" Abuela from Encanto said, "Definitely Taco Bell!" 🌮🔔
Your friend is so fat, when he took the group pic, he was the background.
Your mom's so fat, she doesn’t need internet, she’s already world wide.
Ur mom was so fat that even Jon Brower Minnoch was ten times less fat.
Why did the chicken cross the road? He had to finish his essay, or the teacher was gonna whoop his fat butt cheeks!
Yo mama so fat.
In Super Mario Galaxy, she was a fucking planet!
Your mom is so fat that when she saw Moby Dick, she said, "We are family... even though you're bigger than me."
Your momma so fat when she stepped on one scale, it broke. When she got another one, it said "TBC." She looked in the mirror, it broke.
When you want Pringles, but a fat person was eating them, there were only three left, sweety.
You're so fat, you drank an invisibility potion, and everyone could still see you!
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Your mum's so fat, she broke Britain too!
Ur mama so fat she needs two watches because she's in different time zones.
My wife told me she was fat and depressed. She asked me to compliment her, so I said, "You have perfect eyesight!"
Your mum is so fat, when she roleplayed Wonder Woman, she couldn't fit in the invisible jet.
Joe mama's so fat, her belly button gets home an hour before she does.
Yo momma so fat that she could fit the entire map of the world on her body.
Yo mama was so fat that when she stepped on the scale the scale said: "You gained another pound, nice going fatso, a few more ounces and you can qualify for your own zip code!"
My wife is so fat.
She asked me to get on top; I had to get a step ladder. When I got up there, my ears popped, and the air was so thin. I had to have two Sherpas drag me off the mountain.
Your mum is so fat, she needs 3 different watches for 3 different time zones.
I would make a joke about fat people, but they already have enough on their plate.