
Fat Jokes

1 your so dumb you thing Cheerios are donut seeds! 2. Your so fat you could sell shade! 3. Your just like coconut water, nobody likes you! 4 you been shopping lately because there selling lives around the corner, you should go get one! If being ugly was a crime, you would get a life sentence !! Are these good

This page is for fat jokes, right? Well, I am breaking the mold! Yo Mama so fat! That's not a Joke it's True.*

P.S If your mom is actually fat, then I am sorry that I don't care.

Alfonsos mom is so fat. That she stepped on the scale and the doctor sayd “oh Shit thats my phone number!!!”

Joke 1# ' Knock Knock ' Whos there? ' Pastur ' Pastur who? ' Past ur bedtime '.

Joke 2# Why does a slug always win a race? Because its components always stop for a break.

Joke 3# Your momas so fat when she stepped on the weigh it said, " I asked for your weigh not you phone number. "

Say this to someone who is fat that you don't like (make sure he's a virgin) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " You're so fat you can sell shaaade!! That's why you're a virgin and you masturbaaate!!! yeah I've see you, touching your 1 centimetre and if you have a gf she's is a cheater!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure to say "shaaade" not "shade". And say "maturbaaate" (also try to say a D not a T in maturbaaate) not "masturbate".