Your mama so fat when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone
Your mom is so fat when she skipped a meal the whole stock market crashed.
Your mom is so fat she tripped, and I didn’t even laugh. But the sidewalk cracked up.
Saw that shit on roblox .-.
yo hairline is so bad is looks like a fat persons stomach
Fat bully. That was just the starter now do you want the main course
Me. I dont think I want that because you already ate it
Yo momma so fat that it was hard to find the G spot and slip her one at night
Your mom is so fat, she starts with the letter O in the alphabet because O.B.C.D. (Obesity).
Did you hear the Rushdie has a new book? It's titled "Buddha, that Fat Fuck".
You look like something I drew with my left hand.
You're so ugly that when you were born, your mother asked, "How does my little treasure look?", and the doctor replied, "I think we should bury it immediately."
You're so ugly, when your mom dropped you off at school, she got a fine for littering.
You're so ugly that blind people cry when you walk past them.
Yes, I have gained weight. I have also gained more brains. Do you want some? You talk like you definitely need some more.
You're so fat, the only thing you could be for Halloween is the Kool-Aid Man.
You're so fat, when you went on the weighing scale, it said "to be continued."
Ur mama so fat she needs two watches because she's in different time zones.
Joe mama so fat she plays pool table the Earth
Your mama so fat when her husband said let’s go to the Super Bowl she bought a spoon
Bully: I wouldn't bother wasting my time on a shit person like you.
Me: At least I have a brain unlike you.
Bully: Well at least I have a mom unlike you.
Me: Well your mom is so fat that she got stuck in her car and started bleeding Nutella?
Bully: How would you know that?
Me: Because she told me herself.
Bully: How exactly?
Me: She's on the phone right now.
Phone: *High pitched animal noises*
Me: Told you so!
You are so fat that when you wear a yellow raincoat, a running person behind you shouted, "Taxi!"
You're so fat you sunk Captain Crunch's ship.
You're so fat your blood type is Nutella.