Your hairline goes further back, even further back before the Precambrian Time.
Your hairline is so far back that even Hitler wouldn't shoot it
Some people said that JFK had Big parties some even would say they were *Mine Blowing*
Your mama so fat that she can’t even talk even she Kevin say oh my gosh cause she has a big ass mouth
I wrote an essay today about africa and I FAILED even though i wrote a perfect rendition of the hunger games storyline
Your forehead is so deep no even curry can shot from that deep
if im racist to evrybody am i even racist?
my friend josh made a joke about liams hairline even though his ears are so big and his face looks like a monkey......if they were white
My frien liam has a hairline [if you can even call it a hairline] so bad it keeps going back for miles.
When your mama went to sea world the wales you start singing "WE are family even though your fatter then me
My girlfriend broke up with me because I quote Linkin Park too much. But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
Your hairline is so bad not even god could save it
So i told the officer
I cant even walk when Im sober
dumb person: wat idk mean
person 1: I don’t know
dumb one: oh u don’t know okie I ask googol
person 1: wait idk means-
dumb one (to googol): WAT DOS IDK MANNN
googol: I don’t know
Somebody: Do you even eat and get sleep-? Me: I have depression what do you think-?!
9/11 jokes are that deadly not even the towers could hold themself up
Yo mamma's so ugly even the kid in the wheelchair ran.
Bro gay jokes aren't even funny Like ... Cum on guys
Your so poor . Your just PO you can't even afford the other o and r
You Momo joso fat she went in the ocean and the wales came up to her and started singing we are family even tho you are father than me