How do you help a starving cannibal?
You give him a hand!
Suicide is population control, republished.
When a stranger keeps telling kids to kill themselves AKA the Stigg.
Why is it okay to hit orphans?
It's not like they can tell their parents.
What's the only good part of your crush dying before you have the chance to bang her?
She can't say no!
Abortion is a really touchy subject for me. On one hand, there's dead babies! But on the other hand, women get a choice.
So, a bus crashes, killing everyone on the bus, and God feels so bad that He gives each one a wish.
The first person comes up, and she wants to be beautiful, so God makes her beautiful, and she goes into Heaven. The next person comes up, and he says, "I want to be beautiful as well." As this goes on, the last man in the back begins laughing a little, everyone becoming beautiful, until God asked the last person what they want, and he said, "I want everyone in front of me to be ugly again!" So God had to call the based department and gave him everything that last guy wanted.
Abortion is wrong because God wanted the baby to be alive. Miscarriages is ok because God did not want the baby to be alive.
God sent a kid to the principal's office for giving a blind kid sunglasses and said, "Don't let the sun damage your eyes!"