
Enough Jokes

One day, a preist and a nun went to play golf together. In the first shot, the preist missed his shot and said “Fuck I missed it.” The nun replied “Hey you should not curse.” In the second shot, the preist missed his shot again and said “Fuck I missed again.” The nun replied “Hey stop swearing, or else god will punish you.” In the next shot, the preist missed once again. He shouted “Fuck this, this game is bullshit.” The nun replied “Enough! God is definitely going to punish you anytime.” Suddenly, a thunderbolt stroke the nun and killed her, the clouds separated from the sky and there was a voice in the sky saying “Oh fuck I missed.”

It's not bad that my car doesn't beep when reversing.

The screams of the passers-by are enough for me.

imagine losing your child in WW2 and your son fucking respawns, so you tell him off for not getting enough kills

why did my dad leave me and my mum?

i told him it wasn't big enough and then ran off saying daddy yeeeees

What does it mean when there is a man in your bed, gasping for breath and saying your name?

It just means that you didn't hold the pillow down long enough.

I heard the Kardashians were going on a cruise soon. As if there's already enough plastic in the ocean.

We need to stop making orphan jokes like this because they aren’t mean enough. We need more cruel jokes.😂😂😂😂😂😂

I don't see why women are complaining about the glass ceiling, I mean if they reach high enough they can clean it...