Jo Mama is so dumb, she tried to eat the Super Bowl.
Yo mama so dumb that when she saw the "log in" page on her computer, she went and put a log in it.
Joe mama so dumb she studies for the COVID test.
joe mama so dumb i took a picture of her last christmas and it is still printing
I jump off a cliff and said i hate u dumb blond and eagle...Then i said to my wife were done Blondie and said to my friend ur a dumbhead eagle!.
Once there were three girls taking a walk in the mountains. One was a brunette, one was a redhead, and the other was a dumb blonde. They came to a cliff and the brunette said, "If you jump off that cliff and say what you want to be you will become it." So the brunette jumped off and said "falcon" and became a falcon. The redhead jumped off and said "eagle" and became an eagle. The dumb blonde ran, was about to jump, but tripped on a rock, and said "crap."
What hates socialism but still uses roads, police and says they support the military? Dumb right wingers
This is bullshit! Stop showing cheesy and dumb jokes! This website is for dark humer, insults and morbid! All of you who don’t talk about the following go die!
Boy: The principal is so dumb!
Girl: Do you know who I am?
Boy: No...
Girl: I am the principal's daughter!
Boy: Do you know who I am?
Girl: No...
Boy: Good! *Walks away*
you look like a dumb crab. When everyone sees you, the world will end.
Yo mama so dumb, when Fox Five said it's chilly outside, she brought a bowlllllll!
Why are you dumb? Because you can’t find LOLA.
Yo momma is so dumb that she couldn't even get three words into this joke. Maybe that's why she gave it a thumb's down...
Jack and Jill went up a hill to smoke some mairawanah Jack got high and grabbed her thigh and said i know you wanna but dumb ass jill forgot her pills and now they have 12 kids
if the captain of titanic was dumb he whould EAT THE ICEBERG
Your momma so dumb that they said it was chilli outside she said came outside with a bowl
Yo mama so dumb, when she looked at the light, she said, "Why is the sun so close to me?"
Yo mama is so dumb her reflection said who are you
Yo mama so dumb she plays Pokémon and doesn’t catch any
You're so dumb that every time you use the bathroom, you use your shoe to wipe your ass.