Teacher: Now class, if you are dumb, please stand up. Class: *no one stands up* Teacher: Oh c'mon. I know someone over here is dumb. *waves her finger around the left side of the room* Little Johnny: *stands up* Teacher: Oh, Johnny, you think you're dumb? Little Johnny: No, I just feel bad you're standing alone.
"Don’t be dumb, make sure she’s numb."
- Bill Cosby
What did the fish say when it hit the wall? Dam.
What did the other fish say to that fish when he hit the wall? Dumb Bass.
Yo mama so dumb, she got hit by a cup and told the police she got mugged.
Y'know that foundation called "Autism Speaks"? No, it screeches.
Yo mama so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund.
Yo mama so dumb, she sold her car for gas money.
Yo mama so poor the ducks throw bread at her.
Yo mama so dumb she tried to put m&m’s in alphabetical order
Your momma is so dumb she sits on the TV and watches the couch.
two men are hunting. one asks: did you ever hunt bear? the other one answers: no, but one time i went fishing in my shorts
Q:There was two tampons walking down the road the other day guess what they said to each other
A:nothing cause they're both stuck up cunts
Once my friend was saying something dumb and I was like I Campbell-eve you just said that.
What do you call a person who's got their wisdom tooth removed too late?
Three guys are in the woods, a really smart guy, an average guy, and a really dumb guy. They're bored, so the smart guy decides to go hunting. A little while later he comes back with a deer. The average guy asks, "How did you do that?" The really smart guy says, "I see deer tracks, I follow deer tracks, I see deer, I shoot deer." The average guy says, "I think I understand," and leaves. A little bit later he comes back with a raccoon. The really dumb guy goes *gasp*, "How did you do that!?" And the average looks at him funny and says, "Well, I see raccoon tracks, I follow raccoon tracks, I see raccoon, I shoot raccoon." The super dumb guy thinks for a second and says, "Oooohh, ok, I think I can do that..." and leaves.
Hours pass, and the guy finally returns, hurt, bloody, and horribly mangled. They run to help him. Finally, one of the guys asks him what happened. This is what he said: "I see train tracks, I follow train tracks, I see train, I shoot train. But train keep coming."
Your momma so dumb, she tried to climb Mountain Dew.
There was a little boy named Chris who was addicted Roblox. One day, his grandpa fell into a deep coma caused by a head injury. One day, little Chris went to visit his poor grandpa. He brought his Windows 10 too, but it had no charge in it. After pulling out some wires and placing his into the wall, he started to hear a long beeping sound, but ignore it and continued to play Roblox. Chris's parents came and saw what had happened. The dad then yelled, "You dumb f***, you killed my father!!!" Then Chris said "Yeah. He was worth robucks, too.
Okay what do you call a dummy that writes a dumb writer
What do you call a dumb and mean crocodile?
A crookodile
all dumbs aren't blonde