I was happy for once, and my family was happy I was happy but that all changed when they found out I was thinking about bridges and humans
It’s Christmas morning and all the decorations are done but the tree looks like it’s missing something * grabs the noose *
when your deppresed about the world :( but you remember you will soon die :)
How long does it take for a depressed person to change a light bulb? 5 days. & I’m pretty proud of myself.
Have you ever observed the depression cycle of a snail? It's pretty much a downward spiral.
My fucking life cya
Im worth something, I got a barcode on my arm!
You can understand depression if you are still in school and get bullied by bullies, punished by teachers and scolded by parents for being that quiet kid who says nothing.
(demons in my head) *i laugh to meet them*...
The doctor told me in color blind... Me: that's out of he purple
when you see a depressed kid you walk up and say "wassup my lil barcode"
nobody: aww thats so sad! me: just like me
what came first, The apple or the girl? The apple, because the tree left her hanging :)
Why am I still alive? Pills give me stomache, blood makes faint, height frightens me...
What do u get when I get mixed with coffee? De-presso
Roses are red, violets are blue, the last time people got depressed ended world war II
More expresso less depresso Jk lets all drink bleach cuz life is a bitch