I was gonna tell a dead baby joke, but I decided to abort.
Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his brother in the woods?
What did the rope say to my depressed ass?
~ Hey, you wanna hang?
What is red and very rare?
A child in a blender.
Are you suicide, cause you’re always on my mind?
How did Billy find out he was in a minefield?
He saw his dad's corpse holding a jug of milk.
"Wanna play the rape game?"
"That's the spirit!"
Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a few hours. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
If someone calls you, reply with this: “Hi, this is Dave’s orphanage and pizzeria, where yesterday’s loss is today’s sauce! How may I assist you today?”
whats the difference between dark humor and normal humor normal humor is ten babies and one trash can dark humor is one baby and ten trash can scroll down for explanation
ten babies in one trash can one baby in ten means that the baby was chopped up
Like if you think rape jokes are funny.
So I went to a mall and I was finna buy sumn...and I saw a little boy and he said "hello",so then I past by him and he said "hi" and I was like "hi nigga" and he said "um just wondering sumn..."i mean I like jokes but what is dark humor?" And i was like "umm🤔.. its like 🤔🤔...like you see that guy with out legs? Tell him to stand up"...and he said "I'm blind nigga" and I said "exactly homie"...aight nigga peace and look out😏😉
My humour is so dark that its life matters.
You wanna hear a suicide joke? Nvm, it didn't make it.
Are you a rope? Because I wanna hang with you.
A man walked into a library. He asked the librarian, "Have you got a book on how to commit suicide?" The librarian replied, "No, you'd never bring it back!"
What’s the difference between my lawn and my wrists?
Nothing, I cut both of them.
Dark humor is like water.
Not everybody gets it.
Bleach solves so many problems: stains, dirty dishes, messes, and overpopulation.
Dark humor and women are very similar...
Not everyone appreciates them, but they both give everyone something to make fun of.