What if soy milk is just regular milk trying to introduce itself in Spanish?
Once my dad left to get milk, then I realized we own a cow.
What is a cow's favorite drink?
Mountain Moo!
Why do orphans not know if they're lactose intolerant?
Because their dad never came back with milk.
Why couldn’t the dairy farmer find his home? He lost the whey!😅
A cow is an earthquake, it's a milkshake.
Dad joke time:
What do you call a cow in an earthquake?
A milkshake.
Why did the astronauts take a box of cereal and a cow with them? In case they bypassed the Milky Way!
Kid: Dad, where are you going?
Dad: To get milk.
Kid's friend: Where's your dad?
Kid: He went to get milk but never came back.
What kind of cheese protects castles?
What do you call a non-binary person that is lactose intolerant?
Non-buy dairy.
If McDonald's is fast food, then Dairy Queen is fast cream.
What did the cow say when it saw the farmer twice in one day?
"Deja moo!"
Where do Dairy Queen and Burger King go after dinner?
White Castle.
I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel grate!
I saw a piece of cheese and it told me a joke, but the joke was too cheesy.
Yesterday I was asked where my parents are. I said, "Getting milk."
I will be back, I'm gonna get milk...
My dad is now a milkman.
Now I have over 50 brothers and sisters.
Why did the mailman come to the house?
To come back with the milk.