Q: Why did the vegetable cross the road? A: Cause someone let go of the handle bars
Why did the vegetable cross the road? He didn't, he just sat there.
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
because skeletons aren't alive and can't move so it's impossible for him to cross the road
There were 500 bricks on a plane. One fell off. Little Sally was crossing a river full of crocodiles. How did she survive the river, she had a gun. When she got out of the river she died. Why? Because a brick fell on her head.
Why did Princess Diana cross the road?: She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.
Did you know Princess Diana had dandruff; they found her head and shoulders all over the windshield.
What do you call a cross between a computer and a vampire bat?
Love at first bite <3
What did the emo say before he crossed the road?
"Fuck my life."
why did the toad cross the road to show his girlfreind he had guts
What do you get when you cross an eagle with a lion?
A griffin.
Why did the chicken cross the road? Cuz he felt like it mind yo f...ing buisnes like damn
Why did the zebra cross the road
I told a Seal a joke it went like "Why did the kid cross the playground" he said "why?" I said "To get to the other slide" and then he said "thats the sealiest thing Ive ever heard"
Why did the turtle cross the road? We don't know yet OOF dislike plz I have no life XD All of these jokes are DED sub to pewdipie
why couldn't the chicken cross the road, why couldnt the pervert cross the road, cause his dick was in the chickens ass!
Why did the dog cross the road?
It didn't. Got hit by a car on the way to the other side.
What happens when you cross a cow and a red neck? The redneck fucks the cow
Why did the octopus cross the road?
To get to the other TIDE!!! 🤣🐙🐙
why did the chicken cross the road ?to help steven hawkings cross
Why did Stephen Hawking cross the street?
He didn’t; he never did.
Why did the duck cross over the cave? Because he wasn't a chicken.
IDK sorry...