
Crack Jokes

So, I know that there are a lot of egg YOLKS on this website, and I guess I got BEAT to it, but I'm EGGcited to say EGGsactly what the eggs say. I know I;m bad at this but I hope you will crack up anywat

Why was the egg naughty? Because he wanted a good cracking!


One day a woman met with a man behind an abandoned shop. The man asked for some crack The woman turned around and said, 'here.' That's where the crack was. you guessed it.

The next day she wiped it clean ready for the next guest who 'wanted crack' ;)

- I think you're EGGcellent.

+ Wow... You really CRACK ME UP with that joke. I think you're a EGGxtraordinary comedian.

- Really? Are you done yet?.

+ Are you kidding? I have a DOZEN of them.

I had a friend named Mari. Sadly she did drugs. So one day I go up to her and say “Mari-juana do this????” She later asked me to leave forever..... I don’t gnome why but... it CRACKed me up abit!!!


what did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing. They just waved

did you sea what I did there?

apparently imma category for jokes now. hmm... ok! #HOMIEZ4Life

P.S. Say "crack my finger", now say it backwords:)