My cow just wandered into a field of marijuana. The steaks have never been so high...
What do you call a masturbating cow
Beef stroking off
What do you call a cow jumping over barbed wire? Utter destruction.
Meow Meow I'm a cow, i said Meow Meow i'm a cow
What collage do cows go to?- The Mooniversity
A kid milks a cow and goes to school and tells his friends I milk a cow and it took awhile for it to warm up and his brother came over and said we don't have cows we have Bulls
What is a cow's favorite party game?
Moo-sical chairs!
What do you call a sleeping cow? A bull-dozer.
What did the mother cow say to the baby cow?
"It's pasture bed time."
Why was the cow afraid? He was a cow-herd.
Bad cows, bad cows, whatcha gonna moo?!
Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.
I had problems milking my cow one morning. It was an udder failure.
here's a joke - your life
What do you call a dictatorial cow?
why did the cow smell coz the horse gave it a pat on the back
I was going to tell you a cow joke...
but it's pasture bed time.
What did the cow say when it saw the farmer twice in one day? -- "Deja moo!"